Saturday, March 19, 2011

Luck o' the Irish

St. Patty's Day came and went, and I was working a late shift. How does one tell one's boss, "... but I actually have green to wear this year!" 

My little brawlers

As a young lass, I would look forward to St. Patrick's Day for weeks... and then forget to wear green; I'm cool like that. To prevent a generational repeat of this crime against festivity, I found the family special shirts to celebrate the day of green beer. Now, I don't think of my husband as particularly Irish, but apparently a shirt that reads, "Everyone's Irish on St. Patrick's Day" was not going to cut it. It offended his sensibilities. He even went so far as to say he was as Irish as I am... Poor deluded soul, them's fightin' words; thank goodness my Dad wasn't around to hear them. We had to take Brian's shirt back and get a cool one... something about "I (shamrock) beer". Because that's so much more Irish.

Either way, the only people who wore the shirts outside of the house were R and A... I think I'm going to go put my "Lucky Lady" shirt on right now!

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