Thursday, February 24, 2011

To everything there is a season... Turn, Turn, Turn

Here it is... the completed garden plan: 27'x18'.

I want to set up a little vegetable stand and a sign with an honor box. All of the money will go towards the adoption fees. As we are hoping to have a Fresh-Air child come to stay with us this summer, the garden may end up being a great activity to share. I don't know; I'm still kind of intimidated by the amount of work involved. The garden is designed with a split rail fence and I'll surround it with wire fencing to keep out rabbits. We've already purchased the seeds, so I'll have to start growing the seedlings that need to be transplanted, preferably this week or next week.

Here's our current timeline :)

    • This week... Complete our Application to be Adoptive Parents
    • Next week...  
      1. Set-up bank account with our current adoption savings for paypal and donation monies.
      2. Set-up Paypal Account.
      3. Find the perfect puzzle for our puzzle fundraiser.
      4. Pre-plant all of the seeds that need to go in the garden as seedlings.
      5. Design T-shirts to sell.
    • April...
      1. Rent a roto-tiller to prepare the garden.
      2. Pull out all the churned grass and add the compost.
      3. Install the split-rail fence.
      4. Paint a wooden sign for the garden.
    • May... Garden and start moving the office to set up a nursery.
    • July... Homestudy!!!!
    • August...
      1. Apply to grants for adoption funding.
      2. Welcome and have fun with visiting fresh-air child. (I wonder what the appropriate term is???)
      3. New school year preparations: Reece will be in 8th, Aiden in 5th!!
That's all we know about so far... Let us see what is to come!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

FUN "d"raising

We have some great ideas for fundraising, and lots to think about... We have to set up a special bank account for Paypal sales and donations. Right now, I'm designing our garden! It's our first veggie garden, ever, but I'm hoping to set it up as an "Adoption Garden" and put all money from sales of vegetables towards the goal of our baby!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Officially Adoptive Parents, Pre-Adoption

Last night we went to an open informational meeting to learn about the types of adoption and how the process (and our agency) works... Wowww. Have you ever wanted something so deeply that you are afraid to hope, afraid to jinx it?

It was easy to research preparing for action without acting, because there was always some excuse or another. The cost of adoption is daunting and parenting is such a huge commitment that it requires a certain level of readiness. Brian and I have two sons who are finally at an age to be a little self-reliant; we're fully aware in a way that first-time parents may not be. We've spent years on the fence, as so many couples do, because it is SCARY to hope in adoption.

Understand, whether first-timers or old hands, every parent brings his or her unique experiences and viewpoint to the table. It is the old "apples and oranges" idea: both are great fruit :)

One of the reasons that this meeting was important was that it was an action. Action defeats doubt and fear every time, because the worst fears and doubts are the unformed, hazy ones. Many potential adoptive parents have already lost the option of conception after months and years of hope followed by disappointment. They are used to preparing for the worst. "What if our application is rejected? What if we are too fat or ugly to be chosen by a birth mother?"

If you take the action to get a clear idea of what is ahead, the fears and doubts either are unfounded or become potential problems waiting for solutions. A solution can be accomplished. The fear is diffused.

Today we are looking up fundraising ideas!! It is going to be a LOT of work, but if we just stay the course... we could have a baby within a couple of years...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Adopting... left?

When we moved into this house four months ago, we had this room that we felt would make a perfect office, where I could set up my stock as a Scentsy Consultant and Brian could keep his guitar. The boys, for the first time in their lives, each have their own room! One of the silly hold-ups has been figuring out how to consolidate... BUT, we've decided to get started learning about the process while we build shelves. :) On Monday, we're calling Catholic Charities to set up an appt at one of their introduction groups!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Adopting... right?

After seven years and no new baby, we have decided to tackle the adoption process. I mean... our older kids are doing good, right????

As we are just starting, I'm hoping to share our journey for information and funds. Then, I hope to share the whole adoption process: emotions and actions. I want other parents to have a step by step place to go to figure out the procedure and learn what may come their way.